
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ongoing maintenance 

I've committed a few evenings of work to the Kanguro and moved a bit forwards:

I've fitted a 520 O-ring chain, with rivet link, although I had quite a bit of deliberation to decide how long it should be. Hopefully the chain will last many thousands of kilometres.

I've swapped the cam belt for a nice new Contitech from RS. They seem to have a good turnover of these and the new belt was dated for February 2012. This also seemed a good opportunity to clean out the petrol tank so I drained it via the filler cap, gave it a quick swill around, and popped in a litre or so.

This morning I took the Kanguro for its MOT test and it ran terribly. It improved on reserve and after tipping the bike to the right, so I'm hoping it was simply too low on fuel for accurate carburation. After a top-up at home the carbs looked to be well balanced.

It passed its MOT test although whilst doing a little bit of cleaning I spotted freeplay in the front wheel bearings. The tester had dithered around the wheel so I think he found it and was trying to decide if the fault deserved a fail. I'm surprised he didn't issue an 'advisory note'. Anyway, that's another job that needs doing. The parts manual doesn't list the bearing specification so I'll only find out on dismantling it. The local shop might have them...

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