
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Nearly there

First off I went for a cold start. Ignition on, front choke on, sharp stroke of kick lever with bike on stand. It fired, but I lost it. Second kick and it was off. After less than a minute it would hold an idle with the choke off. That looked good.

I adjusted the chain and noted that it is tighter with the bike on the centrestand than when on its wheels. The opposite of most bikes. What is happening is that the pully below the chain is adding a bend and removing slack. It seems that a tight chain on the stand feels about right on the ground.

I took a look at the seat mounting and trimmed the 'legs' back a little to clear the frame. I also had to relocate the rear light cable as that was obstructing the seat holes. Also my perspex rack was fouling the seat mountings and I carefully sawed its corners off with it in place. It's really fiddly to remove and fit. Then I tried my better seat base and found that the foam extends further at the back and caught on the rack. There's no way it could be trimmed insitu this time so I've taken it off to saw 1cm off it. Refitting it will not be fun.

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