Saturday, March 19, 2005
The castellated exhaust nuts are notorious for loosening and during the Edinburgh trial mine did! I checked today and found that over the last 100km they had moved half a turn or so. Originally Kanguros came with special clamps with a wing that locked the nuts, but these seem unobtainable now. I've tried to lockwire the nuts in place. The proper job woul be to drill a lug on the nuts and also in the head cover.

The castellated exhaust nuts are notorious for loosening and during the Edinburgh trial mine did! I checked today and found that over the last 100km they had moved half a turn or so. Originally Kanguros came with special clamps with a wing that locked the nuts, but these seem unobtainable now. I've tried to lockwire the nuts in place. The proper job woul be to drill a lug on the nuts and also in the head cover.

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