Saturday, March 12, 2005
First test ride
After refitting the seat with the dodgy foam and pouring in a few litres of fuel I took the bike out for its first run after this rebuild. I got off to a good start is it fired second kick wit hone choke on and in less than a minute it would idle with no choke. Things were looking good.
I managed to stall 100m from home due to too few revs and too high gear on a little hill, but I found neutral without too much difficulty and restarted first kick.
Everything seemed sound so I continued to a petrol station just inside Derbyshire, a trip of 10km. After filling up I looked at key things such as brakes, wheel nuts, exhaust mountings and found everything sound. In a great frame of mind I rode a few lanes and a few easy dirt tracks to get a feel for the bike again. The evenings of anguish were rewarded with what feels to me like perfect carburation. The only thing I didn't like was that it was hard to get my boot under the gear lever for changes up. But, if the lever is lifted it is likely to foul the kickstart. Maybe 1 spline would be OK? There is a risk of finding neutral between 1st and 2nd so I experimented with clutchless changes from 1 to 2. It can be done quite smoothly with a gentle press as the throttle is rolled off but it can be jerky too.
As it was heading towrads lunchtime I set off home with a slightly muddy bike.

After refitting the seat with the dodgy foam and pouring in a few litres of fuel I took the bike out for its first run after this rebuild. I got off to a good start is it fired second kick wit hone choke on and in less than a minute it would idle with no choke. Things were looking good.
I managed to stall 100m from home due to too few revs and too high gear on a little hill, but I found neutral without too much difficulty and restarted first kick.
Everything seemed sound so I continued to a petrol station just inside Derbyshire, a trip of 10km. After filling up I looked at key things such as brakes, wheel nuts, exhaust mountings and found everything sound. In a great frame of mind I rode a few lanes and a few easy dirt tracks to get a feel for the bike again. The evenings of anguish were rewarded with what feels to me like perfect carburation. The only thing I didn't like was that it was hard to get my boot under the gear lever for changes up. But, if the lever is lifted it is likely to foul the kickstart. Maybe 1 spline would be OK? There is a risk of finding neutral between 1st and 2nd so I experimented with clutchless changes from 1 to 2. It can be done quite smoothly with a gentle press as the throttle is rolled off but it can be jerky too.
As it was heading towrads lunchtime I set off home with a slightly muddy bike.

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