Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Side panels
Part of my plan had been to do the rewire so tidyly that I didn't need the side panels. I've got a really small battery and a minature regulator but even so I can't see how to accomplaish this.
Therefore I've stripped and repainted the sidepanels. I learnt from the mudguard experience and finished the stripping with wet & dry to get rid of the scratches. Over a week I applied a white primer in 1 and a bit coats and 2 and a bit coats of white.
After 2 days to dry I managed to get rid of the few 'orange peel' zones with rubbing compound. Now they are polished they look pretty good.
Part of my plan had been to do the rewire so tidyly that I didn't need the side panels. I've got a really small battery and a minature regulator but even so I can't see how to accomplaish this.
Therefore I've stripped and repainted the sidepanels. I learnt from the mudguard experience and finished the stripping with wet & dry to get rid of the scratches. Over a week I applied a white primer in 1 and a bit coats and 2 and a bit coats of white.

After 2 days to dry I managed to get rid of the few 'orange peel' zones with rubbing compound. Now they are polished they look pretty good.
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